210|204|7||1674309756|7|1674494040|0|Among the current deduplication tools that we can choose from, we find zbackup, another of the many options we have in the community for content backup, which is why today we present you a simple but generalized opinion of the reasons why we wanted to dedicate this brief review to this tool.
What is zbackup?
It is a global deduplication backup tool, based on the ideas found in rsync. It basically takes care of storing duplicated regions only once, as well as compressing and optionally encrypting the result obtained. By applying specific functions, zbackup will reuse the data found in previous backups, which means that only new changes are stored, and depending on how different the files are, the amount of storage required will be very low.
Our opinion about zbackup We have at least 2 powerful reasons to talk about zbackup, and those reasons are as follows: 1) The features it presents. 2) The limitations that the program has
Both the features and the limitations that zbackup has have been key for the elaboration of this review, from a technical point of view we can say that this tool despite being an open source software and not presenting any kind of warranty, presents some features that can be quite interesting, such as: LZMA or LZO parallel compression of stored data, built-in AES encryption of stored data, besides having the possibility to delete old backup data.
On the other hand, if we talk about its limitations we should mention that at the moment, the only modes supported by the system are reading from standard input and writing to standard output, the program keeps all known blocks inside a hash table in RAM, which may cause scalability problems for very large repositories, and finally that there is no option to specify block and packet sizes other than the default ones (currently 64k and 2MB respectively).
Conclusion Zbackup is a versatile backup tool with deduplication, which despite being a software that does not offer any guarantees since it is open source, we can say that within the options we have today, this is one of the best alternatives we can use to carry out this process.