What is BBCode?

BBCode is known as a special implementation of HTML, in which the administration has full power to decide how BBCode is to be used.

BBCode can be disabled by issuing a message, whereby the corresponding checkbox in the message form is deactivated.

As mentioned above, BBCode is similar in style to the HTML we are all familiar with, except that the tags are enclosed in "square brackets" [AND] instead of .

This code offers great control when choosing the best options for displaying something, since depending on the style used by the website that wants to implement it, (usually forums) you will see that it is easier to add BBCodes to messages from the top area of the posting form interface.

How can I create bold, italic or underlined text?

Thanks to BBCode it is very easy to make these changes on the web site, since this code includes tags that allow the user to make modifications to the style of the text. So the user will only need to follow the following guidelines to achieve this.

Bold text

Bold text must be enclosed in [B][/B].

For example.

[B]Thank you[/B]

Becomes: Thank you

Underlined text

To underline text you must use [u][/u], for example.

So if the user wants to write "See you later", he/she should do it this way:

[u]See you later[/u]

For the final result to be See you later

Italic text

To write text in italics, use [i][/i], for example.

So if the user wants to write "Congratulations", he/she should do it this way:


For the final result to be Congratulations

How can I change the color of the text?

To change the color or size of a text, it is advisable to use the labels that are offered to us, likewise, it is important to know that the physical appearance of the text will depend on the system and browser that the user is using:

So to change the color of a text, it must be positioned between [color=][/color].

You can also specify the color you want to use by specifying its name, e.g.: (Red, blue, yellow, etc) or it can also be inserted by typing the hexadecimal code, e.g.: #FFFFFFFF, #000000.


[color=Blue]Greetings[/color] or [color=FF0000]Greetings[/color].

In both cases the final result will be: Greetings

How can I change the text size?

To change the text size the process is quite similar, normally it is recommended to write the numerical value you want to use in percentage format, and start with the number 20 until you reach 200 (As a very large measure), but it will also depend on the template used by the forum or the template that the user previously selected.

An example would be:


And it would become:




Would become:


Is it possible to combine formatting tags?

Of course it is, in fact if some user needs to get the attention of another user, that person can write something like:


It becomes:


Is it possible to quote text in the answers?

Yes of course, in fact there are two ways to cite text by referencing or not.

First method

When using the "Quote" function to reply to a topic, it should be noted that the text is inserted into the reply window enclosed between the [quote=""][/quote] tags.

Therefore, this method allows the user to quote text by referring to the author of the text.

For example:

If a person wishes to quote a paragraph from a writing by William Shakespeare, the person should type:

[quote="William Shakespeare"]The text that William Shakespeare wrote goes here[/quote]. After this, the selected paragraph of William Shakespeare will appear.

It is also important to mention that the use of quotation marks"" to enclose the name of the author of the text in this section is essential, so in no way can you omit the use of "Quotation marks" to mention the author of the text, "It is not optional".

Second method

Unlike the first method, in the second method you can mention the quotation while hiding the author of the text. To do this, you must enclose the text between the [quote][/quote] tags.

This will make visible only the message that person issued, but will completely omit the name of the person who wrote the message.

Write code or text of a different size

As with all of the above functions, you can also include some kind of code within the text posted on the forum. To do so, you must enclose the code between the [code][/code] tags.


[code]"here goes the code"[/code].

When using these tags, all formatting found in [code][/code] will be preserved when displaying the message. So you can highlight PHP syntax using [code=php][/code], a tag that is widely recommended when publishing code examples in PHP language to improve readability.

List creation

BBCode allows you to create two different types of lists, unordered lists and ordered lists. These types of lists are practically the same as HTML lists.

We will describe each of the lists below:

Unordered lists

An unordered list mainly displays each item one after the other and identifies it with a bullet.

When you want to create an unordered list you must use [list][/list] and define each item.

For example, if a user wants to create a list with the months of the year, he/she will have to type:


[*] January

[*] February

[*] March



So the final result will be:

- January

- February

- March

- April

Ordered lists

This type of list allows the user to control the order of each item (Element).

To do this, you must use [list=1][/list] to create a numerical list, or alternatively a list ordered by letters in which the same labels would be used, but instead of a number it would have a letter [list=a][/list].

As in the unordered lists, in the ordered lists the items must be identified with [*] for example:


[*] Clean the house

[*] Walking the dog

[*] Going to the dentist

[*] Going to the gym


It would look like:

1. Clean the house

2. Walking the dog

3. Going to the dentist

4. Going to the gym

Can I create hyperlinks to other sites?

Yes, in fact there are several ways to do it.

PhpBB BBCode presents at least 4 different options to achieve this purpose.

The first one is to use the [url=][/url] tags so that any text that is entered after the = symbol will be interpreted as a URL.

For example

If the user wants to create a link to phpBB.com he should type.

[url=http://www.phpbb.com/]Visit phpBB![/url]

This text will result in the following link:

Visit phpBB!

It is also important to mention that the link may open in another window or not, it all depends on the configuration you have set on your computer.

Second way, URL Address

If the user wants the link to appear as a simple URL address, then use:


This text will generate the following link http://www.phpbb.com/

Magic Links

Phpbb also has a feature known as "Magic Links" which automatically converts the link into a URL, without having to use any other tags.

For example

www.phpbb.com will become www.phpbb.com

Email addresses

As with Magic Links, email addresses can use tags:


Text to be displayed as:


Can I add an image to my post?

Of course you can, phpBB BBCode includes a tag that allows the user to insert images into posts.

Two important points about inserting images are:

  1. Many people prefer not to see too many images within a post.
  2. Images must be available on the internet (not just on the pc).

To publish an image you must enclose the URL address between the [img][/img] tags. For example. Another way is to place the URL address between the [url][/url] tags.

Can I attach files to a message?

Yes, attachments can be placed anywhere in the message, the only thing you have to do is to use the new BBCode [attachment=][attachment], this only if this function is enabled by the forum administration, otherwise you will not be able to do it. Normally a button appears in the part where you can write the message, which allows you to include the files you want to add.

Can I add my own tags?

Of course you can, but only if you belong to the administrative group of this forum and have all the necessary permissions to perform this function.