We need your financial contribution

Dear users and subscribers of Serverswebhosting.com, for more than (1 years) our website has been offering important contributions in the area of web hosting and servers technology in a constant and uninterrupted way, sectors that have become essential for the advancement of the human species. That is why in this opportunity we want to address to you, to ask for your valuable economic help, help that we need to continue exercising the work that we have been carrying out for more than year. "To continue being an invaluable space for the generation of open debates and the exchange of ideas". The sustained growth and constant evolution that Serverswebhosting.com has had, is due in large part to the support of all its subscribers, and we know that as we continue to grow and evolve, we will continue to receive your support to sustain and improve this forum that you know and love so much. Valuable donations from members like you, help us considerably to maintain the website infrastructure and to implement improvements and upgrades necessary to ensure a safe and smooth browsing experience for each of its members. With your donation to Serverswebhosting.com you are not only supporting a technology company, but you are also investing in “the intellectual growth of a generation that every day requires new knowledge in the area of technology and programming in a totally free and quality way”. With us every dollar counts, that is why we have set the goal of raising 7,000 every 6 months. We hope that with your valuable contribution we will reach our goal for the 6 month period.

Make your contribution today and become one of the official sponsors of this platform. Thank you in advance for being one of the vital members of our community and for your generous support.

How can you send us your donation?

We accept all conventional ways to receive donations, we also provide you with an email address if you wish to make your donation by mail.

By email

If you wish to donate by mail, you can do so by: thecloudconsultant@gmail.com

Credit Card

Credit card donations are processed through paypal.com and your personal information is completely secure.

From here, from Serverswebhosting.com we send you our best regards and thank you in advance for your valuable contribution.
Any donation will be a valuable help for us, and will bring us closer to our mission.