When you create firewall rules in pfSense, you must configure them on each interface (unless you use a floating firewall rule, which is explained later). If you have IoT, LAN, and Guest networks, you must create firewall rules on each interface to allow or deny traffic. If you use a VPN such as OpenVPN or WireGuard, you must create firewall rules (on the VPN interface).
This article will show you the step-by-step procedure to create rules for PfSense. We have used two simple GUI-based steps. First, you need to access the Firewall of Pfsense, and after that, make a few clicks as discussed in step 2.
Step 1: How You Can Access The Firewall Rule of PfSense
1. To configure firewall rules, go to Firewall> Rules
2. After you navigate to the rules, you'll see all of the current interfaces in pfSense, and a floating tab that we will explain later in this article.
3. if you make rules for the WAN interface, traffic flows from the external network to your local network. However, if you use the port forwarding command in pfSense, you must ensure that the firewall rule for that port is created first.
4. Any additional interfaces listed will manage traffic for internal interfaces or another category.
Step 2: How You Can Make Firewall Rules in pfSense
1. To create rules, go to the interface where you want to make the rule and click Add to add rules.
The arrow showing an upward position creates the rule at the top of the list, while the arrow showing a downward direction creates the rule in a downward direction.
2. Click the Action button to choose whether to block, reject or permit traffic.
3. If required, update the interface, change the address family to IPv4, IPv6, or IPv6, and then move to the next step.
4. This window will show the protocol section; select the correct protocol for your computer and click on the permit tab to allow or deny the traffic. Different options appear based on your chosen protocol, as shown in the figure below.
5. it is a source section; you must select the correct category here. You can pick LAN, IoT, Guest, or whatever you want. However, we recommend you use the interface name +net because this command selects your entire network.
6. it is a destination section; here, you must select the correct destination for your Firewall.
7. Give the rule a description and then click on save.
In this tutorial, we have discussed simple steps to create firewall rules in pfSense. After you set up pfSense and start configuring it, the Firewall will become highly crucial as it will determine what type of traffic is and is not allowed. Without these rules, all traffic remained blocked by default.