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TOP 20 Universities That Offer Degree in Big Data RSS


Big data and data science fuels the growth of many industries. Combining art and science, these big data scientists need a solid foundation in machine language and learning, computing and algorithms, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Unfortunately, we don’t have enough data scientists to fill every need. There are about a half-million job opening in data science left unfilled since we literally don’t have enough qualified people to fill them.

With so many opportunities, the future looks bright for anyone who loves to dive into big data and search around. If you like to jump right in and be a data science, the following data science degree and certificate programs will give you the foundation you need.

1. Bentley University

Bentley University’s MS in Marketing Analysis program gives you the foundation to properly analyze market information and make decisions based on that information. The school claims that the program enables students to make informed decisions based on relevant data mining techniques and solutions.

2. Carnegie Mellon University

At Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College, you will find a more dedicated big science program. The Master in Information Systems Management program has a business intelligence and data analytics options that provides a more technology-focused curriculum than most of the other schools in this list. The concentration is a multi-discipline approach combining business process analysis, predictive modeling, GIS mapping, analytical reporting, segmentation analysis and data visualization into a single program.

Students in the program tend to have non-liberal arts backgrounds such as engineering and physics. So, you should consider doing that first, but if you get in, the degree with the data science concentration requires you to put in 16 months at the school.

At the end, you can boost to your friends and future employers that you have always analyzed real-world mobile, social, and digital media user data.

3.Columbia University

Columbia University does not have a dedicated data science program, but they do have the Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering in its Engineering Department. The institute provides big data educational and research services for about 300 masters and 150 doctoral students. The school’s closed degree program is the Computer Science with Machine Learning Masters which covers data science tools and techniques for bioinformatics, fraud detection, intelligent systems, perception, finance, and information retrieval.

DePaul University

DePaul doesn’t put limits on their Master of Science in Predictive Analytics program. You can take as long as you need to master big data. Yu can even take the entire curriculum online if you can’t make it to campus.

The Predictive Analytics program is all about big data. The school claims you can learn everything you need to prepare yourself for a prosperous career in data science with an emphasis on big datasets and modeling. You also get a solid foundation in marketing, customer relations, and communications.

4. Drexel University

The Drexel Business Analytics Program lets you explore every aspect of big data including analytics methods, finding relationships, and how to use big data to solve business problems. It also gives you some training in statistics modeling, operations research, mathematical modeling and management information systems.

5. Harvard University

Developed in 2012, Harvard’s one-year Institute for Applied Computational Science (IACS) provides a foundation in data science mathematics and computing. According to the school, the Computational Science and Engineering Program utilizes the IACS to provide students with mastery in complex systems simulation; parallel programming and collaborative software development; and efficient methods for organizing, exploring, visualizing, processing and analyzing very large data sets.

6. Louisiana State University

With LSU’s Analytics program, you deal with real world issues with real world government agencies and companies. The school claims that the program emphasis “advanced data management tools and applied statistical and operations research techniques” to analyze big data to increase returns of investment in such industries as insurance, banking, health care, communications, e-commerce, law enforcement and marketing.

7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT’s MBA program includes data science as a part of its curriculum. The school does not carry a separate program for it, but it does have the MIT Center for Digital Business. The center lets students conduct research big data and data science with some of the biggest names in big data.

8. New York University

Some schools will let you get an MBA with a data science concentration. New York University is one of them. NYU’s inter-disciplinary MBA with Business Analytics provides training in such areas as relationship modeling, historical data prediction, and how task changes can affect outcomes to make better decision making models.

9. North Carolina State University

Established in 2007, North Carolina State’s 10-month MS in Analytics gives its students a foundation in understanding big data tools, methods, applications and advanced analytics practices. Designed to get you a career rather than your doctorate, the program includes training in data mining, text mining, forecasting, optimization, databases, data visualization, data privacy and security, financial analytics, and customer analytics, as well as communication and teamwork skills with some projects using real world data from sponsoring organizations.

10. Northwestern University

Northwestern’s MS in Analytics explores data science, information technology and business analytics combined with a foundation in mathematics and statistics.

Supplemented by internships and industry-supplied projects, the school claims the program trains students to “identify patterns and trends, interpret and gain insight from vast quantities of structured and unstructured data, and communicate their findings.

10. Rutgers University

Rutgers’ data science offering is a dual-degree MBA and MS in Operations Research and Business Analytics. According to the school’s own literature, the program lets students learn how to analyze large datasets and develop decision making solutions. The program integrates courses in analytics and business to give students a foundation in data management, statistics, machine learning and computation for data-driven business models that can ebe used in almos t any situation.

11. Stanford University

Stanford University’s inter-disciplinary MS in Computer Science with Information Management and Analytics is one of the few dedicated big data programs in this list. The program gives you a strong foundation in modern database and information management systems and how they can work with large datasets. The school also offers a four-course Mining Massive Data Sets certificate.

12. University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkley’s data program is a pure engineering discipline. The Master of Engineering with the Data Science and Systems program offers an accelerated, interdisciplinary program with three major components including technical skills, leadership training, and a "capstone" project where three to five students use technology to solve data-centric business problems. The school claims that you will graduate with a understanding of data management fundamentals, technologies and techniques.

You also get access to the school’s AMPLab to explore algorithms, machines and people in big data If you want something more dedicated to data science, you have to wait until next year. The school plan to establish a one-year online master’s degree in information and data science. They say the program will teach you how to process data and learn skills in machine learning, data visualization, database analysis and data security. They claim thirty students are already enrolled with more in the next few months.

13. University of Cincinnati

Formally called the MS in Quantitative Analysis, Cincinnati’s Business Analytics program dates back to the 1970s. It combines operations research with applied statistics so you can effectively use applied mathematics and computer applications in business.

14. University of Connecticut

UConn’s Master of Science in Business Analytics and Project Management offers a hybrid on-campus and online program for an in-depth education in advanced business analytics and project management. The analytics side handles your big data training, while the management courses show you how to use the data to solve problems and make decisions.

15. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Anyone attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MS in Statistics with Analytics program needs to sign up with the State Farm Research Center’s Modeling and Analytics Graduate Network. The network offers tuitions support, internship opportunities, and guidance for students enrolled in the Statistics program which offers mathematical and statistics fundamentals with enhanced computational and data analytics training.

16. University of Ottawa

Ottawa’s 12-month MBA and 16-month MS in Electronic Business Technologies offer inter-disciplinary programs with two different specializations. Electronic Business focuses on transforming organizations with IT and big data models. Electronic Technologies shows you how IT and system architectures enable businesses to create and manage online transactions. Students in these programs have access to the IBM Centre for Business Analytics and Performance, which offers research and internship opportunities.

16. University of Tennessee

Tennessee’s Business analytics program develops skills needed to handle big data in a business environment with a knack for solving business problems. While everyone starts off with the same core instructions, you can branch off and concentrate on applied statistics or process management.

17. York University

Concluding in a 12-week research project, Your University’s Business Analytics program shows you how to transform data into a competitive asset. Students get a solid foundation in advanced statistics and an understanding of customers and transactional data. You also gain experience using common big data, analytics and data visualization tools.

These twenty programs are only the beginning. For the most part, these programs only made the list simply because they are the only games in town. However, this is changing as big data becomes more important in doing business. Several other schools plan to have their own data science program with the next few years with many more thinking about doing the same.

TOP 20 Universities That Offer Degree in Big Data RSS