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Review: Top 7 Programming Languages For Web Development RSS


Web development is one of the most common jobs for developers. If you want to hire best web engineers, keep an eye out for these web programming languages.

Despite the variety of technologies used in modern web development today, a few programming languages dominate the landscape. For example, JavaScript and HTML are the most popular web programming languages with 65% and 56% usage, respectively. However, new web development languages are constantly emerging to meet the growing demand for applications.

In this article, we take a look at some of the most popular web development programming languages in use today, as well as those that seem poised to adopt in the future. However, it is more beneficial if we can preview the back-end and front-end development of the web development process.

Backend Web Development versus Frontend Web Development Web development often refers to backend web development and frontend web development. The difference is who creates the user interface and who creates the framework.

Front-end developers are usually responsible for the user interface (UI). , while - end developers work with database administration, API development, security, etc.

While both are necessary for a successful project, the main difference is that front-end web developers need to understand HTML , JavaScript/Typescript and CSS.

Angular, Vue and React are the dominant JavaScript frameworks today. On the other hand, back-end developers need to have a much broader understanding of the programming languages running on the server be used. lateral web development These include PHP/Laravel, Go/Gin, Python/Django, Ruby/Rails, C#/ASP.NET, Java and Node.js/Express.

Best Programming Languages.

1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted scripting language commonly used to enhance and add content to a web page. JavaScript runs on a browser's built-in engine and adds functionality with simple commands placed in <scrypt> tags within an HTML document.

According to Failory, about 79% are across the Internet Users always have JavaScript enabled. Note that older versions may not work properly due to browser changes or third-party programs interfering with their execution. Therefore, installing updates helps ensure that compatibility issues are minimized.

Pros of using JavaScript language for your project

● Facilitates rapid project development

● Reduces compilation time

● High interoperability

● Enhanced speed performance

● Shorter codes

Cons of using JavaScript language for your project

● Requires the developers to run the code on multiple platforms dedicated to ensuring zero technical glitches.

● Debugging facility needs improvement.

Top companies using JavaScript: Microsoft, PayPal, Netflix, etc.


HTML is the most basic of all programming languages. If you are planning to develop a website or web application, HTML provides you with a solid foundation for website development.

On the other hand, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language that describes how HTML documents are displayed on screen, paper or other media. . When it comes to modern web design, CSS is essential; Using CSS allows designers to separate style and content.

Essentially, CSS gives you ways to organize content elements into text on a Format page, like headings or paragraphs, with predefined fonts and colors.

Pros of using HTML language for your project:

● Fast to load

● Free to use

● Easier to gain command in the language

● Compatibility with a very high number of browsers

Cons of using JavaScript Language for your project:

● Requires lengthy codes

● Cannot produce a dynamic website or web app alone.

Top companies using HTML/CSS: Fluff bucket, Acme,

3. Python

Python is an incredibly versatile language that you can use in a variety of industries and for a variety of purposes. Plus, it's easy to learn if you already have some experience with other programming languages, and big IT companies are looking for people who know Python.

From web development to artificial intelligence and big data science, Python has something for everyone. The best part is that Python code is so simple that even new programmers can write clean code that is fairly bug-free.

Pros of using Python language for your project:

● Free to use

● Supports tons of libraries

● Enhanced Productivity

● High code readability

● Offers portability to the developers

Cons of using Python language for your project:

● High Memory consumption

● Run-time errors

Top companies using Python: Instagram, Spotify, Uber

4. SQL

If you're doing a web project related to data science or want to work with huge datasets, SQL is an obvious choice. This is due to excellent database queries and data analysis capabilities. It's similar to learning a spoken language: you only learn by doing.

It can take months to get a solid understanding of SQL, but it pays off in terms of career opportunities. More advanced versions of SQL like MySQL and PostgreSQL are also commonly used in data science, so you might want to focus on those as well.

Pros of using SQL language for your project:

● Highly interactive

● Rapid query processing

● Good documentation

● Simple syntax

● High Portability

Cons of using SQL language for your project:

● Unfriendly interface

● Specific versions are not cost-effective.

Top companies using SQL: Microsoft, Dell, Accenture

5. Java

Java is widely used in the development of web applications and other software solutions. In addition, it stands out as a very reliable, safe and robust language for web development. The language has been around since 1996, but that hasn't stopped Java from evolving.

Not only is it a great programming language used in all sorts of software solutions, but it's also one of the most widely used server-side script Languages

Pros of using Java language for your project:

● Secured language

● Platform independent

● Code reusability

● Economical option

● Efficient memory allocation

Cons of using Java language for your project:

● Complex coding

● No backup facility

Top companies using Java: Uber, Pinterest, Amazon

6. C#

C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented language. It has powerful features that allow developers to create applications. .NET makes it even better with tools and libraries that make C# code easier to write and compile and simplify deployment.

Pros of using C# language for your project:

● Automatic garbage collection

● Cross-platform compatibility

● Interoperability

● High integrity

● Secured language

Cons of using C# language for your project:*

● High .Net dependence

● Needs improvement in performance

Top companies using C#: Accenture, Alibaba Travels, Intuit, etc.


C++ is among the most popular programming languages out there. Using C++, you can create high-performing web projects across multiple platforms, including mobile OS. Interestingly, Apple’s iOS operating system was developed using C++, so you can start here if apps are your thing.

Pros of using C++ language for your project:

● Highly scalable language

● Facilitates quick software development

● Multiple built-in libraries

Cons of using C++ language for your project:

● Lack of built-in threads

● Lack of flexibility

Top companies using C++: Amazon, Google, etc.

7. PHP

PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languages in use today. If you’re looking to write dynamic websites with WordPress, start your career as a web developer or add to your existing skill set, PHP is a great place to begin. The language is based on C and incorporates many concepts from JavaScript, which makes it especially easy to pick up if you have prior coding experience

Pros of using PHP language for your project:

● High flexibility

● Open-source

Cons of using PHP language for your project:

● Less secured

● Lacks debugging tool

Top companies using PHP: Tumblr, Wikipedia, Slack

Review: Top 7 Programming Languages For Web Development RSS